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Goal Clarity/Balance Work, Life, Family/Breaking Through Barriers


Anyone who wants to find their path in life, improve their health and relationships are invited to receive training in Classic Cosmoenergy (theoretical course and initiation into various channels).


Introductory Cosmoenergy course is also intended for those who wish to continue to work on themselves and maintain the achieved results after the sessions or to improve their health in the absence of a Cosmoenergy healer and in between sessions. Knowledge received during training stage I and II can be applied immediately to help yourself and others.


Anyone can master the method except for a mentally challenged person. It is recommended that those wishing to study Cosmoenergy attend a few healing sessions for cleaning and restoring the body, especially those with chronic diseases, psycho-emotional problems (i.e. the person’s energy system is destroyed or overloaded with negative energies). These sessions are preparatory and allow the person to adapt much easier to the cosmic channels after initiation.


For my students each session is $50.00 USD

For visitors the session fee is $135.00 USD

On Training,


Like The Cosmoenergy practitioner you will receive all information about work this method on lecture of I - II level. Also in this time you will receive initiation in channel Farun-Buddha and with Certificate to Practice as healer.


The Teacher transfers the knowledge to a student not remotely or over the Internet, but only in person. Channels can be used only after the initiation and explanation of the channels’ usage by a Teacher. The student’s acquired knowledge will be as effective as the teacher’s. During one initiation, the teacher initiates into only a single channel. The student receives a password and learns how to properly use it. It is important to apply a password for opening the channel! Using the analogy with the computer and the Internet, you can see how an error even in one letter entered into address of the website will take you to a completely different address. What did you expect then if «address was not right»? For anyone who utters the correct password and receives proper initiation into channels, the channels will operate identically.


Initiation into all channels from the School of Classic Cosmoenergy by E. Bagirov must be received from the same teacher. If you began to receive initiations from one teacher, you must receive all channels from the same teacher. If you want to change a Teacher, you must re-receive all initiations starting from the first channel.


When using the method of Classic Cosmoenergy from the E. Bagirov’s school, do not combine it with any other method. The method can treat any problem by itself. You cannot appreciate its purity if you add something to it. The results of Cosmoenergy will impress you.


You can help yourself and your patients using the channels that you received during the initiations. Patients cannot «open» the channels and you cannot initiate other people into the channels. After receiving initiation into Master, you can Not initiate other people. After the initiation into Level 4-8 Magister, you can begin to initiate other people into all channels to work with other people.


The teacher must notify the students before the start of training about these rules and explain why they are necessary.


If the student chose this school, he is obliged to take a course with only one teacher from the beginning to the final stage to keep the method pure, apply the knowledge effectively and subsequently transfer the knowledge to their students.

The teacher has the right to choose his/her clients and students.

Explain the student that they can use only those channels that they received during initiation by a teacher.


Explain that the student who receives only the first initiation cannot immediately initiate other people.


The teacher must recommend the student to listen to courses on human psychology, keep interest in the spiritual literature, and watch your thoughts, words and actions.



Schedule of my work:



12.00 - 14.00 - Initiation to channels.

1st Initiation to Master

1st Initiation Zoroastrism

14.30 - 16.00 - session

17.00 - 18.00 - session

18.00 - 21.00 - Lecture



16.00 - 17.00 - Dedication to the channel- Farun-Buddha

17.00 - 21.00 - Lecture



12.00 - 14.00 - Dedication to the channels

2nd Initiation to Master

2nd initiation in Zoroastrism

14.30 - 16.00 - session

17.00 - 18.00 - session

18.00 - 21.00 - Lecture



16.00 - 17.00 and 20.00 - Lecture

20.00 - 21.00 - «Questions and Answers«



11.00 - 3rd Initiation to Master

- 3rd Initiation in Zoroastrism

12.00 - 14.00 - Initiation to the channels

14.30 - 16.00 - session

16.30 - 17.30 - Special session



09.00 - Initiation to the Masters

12.00 - 14.00 - Initiation to the channels

14.30 - 16.00 - session

16.30 - 17.30 - Special session



Program of the workshop during travel:

(with days and number of lecture hours per day)



Friday 16:00 – 21:00

16:00 – 19:00 Admission is free. Registration of participants

Introductory lecture about the Cosmoenergy method.

Scientific - research work in the field of CE.

19:00 – 20:00 Session

20:00 – 21:00 Initiation


Saturday 9:00 – 21:00

9:00 – 12:00 Lecture (continued)

Initiation into the Farun-Buddha channel

13:00 BREAK

14:00 Lecture

18:00 Session

19:00 Initiations


Sunday 9:00 – 21:00

9:00 Session

10:00 Lecture continued

13:00 BREAK

14:00 Lecture.

16:00 Presentation of diplomas. Initiations


Price: Stage I -II (together) – $350;




Stage I-II-III – $ 650;


Each additional channel – $230


Session – $125;

Session – $ 85;

Session – $ 60;

Session – $ 15

Session – $ 1.

Special Session – $ 150.



Please bring with you:

  • 2 photos 3 x 4 cm;

  • notebooks, pens;

  • comfortable shoes;

glass bottle for water or with water


Each session is $35.00 for my students, visitors the session fee is $60.00 USD.



Stage I and Stage II

Teaching/instruction includes everything about method(s) and initiation in ONE (1) channel, Farun-Buddha and it will be $350.00 USD.




Stage I – II – III

We have special channel for Chakra(s), it is III Stage FIRAST and ZEUS. However, the channel FARUN-BUDDA that you receive will work with Chakra(s) by itself.

Cost - $650.00 (includes initiation into three channels: Farun Buddha, Firast, Zeus)


Stage IV – V

you will receive additional channels, both groups.


For those of you desiring to acquire additional channel(s) within an additional time frame, each additional channel is $230.00 USD.


Training stages up to the Level of Master:


Stages I and II (done together) – learning to work with the method of Cosmoenergy and initiation to the universal healing channel – Farun-Buddha,which for example, treats virtually all diseases, burns, stomach ulcers, helps to bring the person back to consciousness after fainting, fills the aura and chakras, allows to effectively help themselves and others. The channel does not harm, possesses pure positive energy.


The full program of the first and second stages of training:


  • The concept of Cosmoenergy. Principles and methods. Law of cause and effect — Karma. Energy body, the chakras. Disease.

  • Protection («Shell», «Golden Pyramid»). Protections building. Technique for removing pain («motor», «well»). Removal of negative energy binding connections («writing off»).

  • Exercises: for the development of inner vision, work with dowsing rods.

  • Dowsing. Energy diagnostics of chakras, organs, problems. Finding and blocking Geo-pathological areas.

  • Initiation into the universal channel – Farun Buddha to work with yourself and others, to protect and cleanse the aura, restore energy structures, and stabilize mental and emotional state;

  • Standard treatment session procedure. Treatment of diseases. Resuscitation. Purification of the premises.

  • Working on yourself. Remote work (working at a distance).

  • Charging (structuring)of water;

  • Professional and non-professional use of the channel

  • Increasing the intellectual and creative abilities;

  • Self-improvement and spiritual growth;

  • Practice classes;

  • Questions and answers.



Stage III – includes initiation into the channels Firast and Zeus - powerful cleaning channels that cope with all types of energy impacts, clean and restore the chakras and aura, cleansing objects and space. Firast treats enuresis, throat, nose and ear diseases, hearing loss, thrombosis, varicose veins. Zeus with Farun-Buddha and Firast can be used to cleansing head from energy, cures migraine, vascular dystonia, nervous, mental disorders, and normalize intracranial pressure.


Stage IV – initiation into the information channels Midi and Gektas.

Education and Initiation into the Midi and Gektas channels which give access to universal informational space.

Midi is a terrestrial channel which gives information, helps when searching for forgotten or lost items, organizes meetings, removes noise while dowsing. Data is transmitted from the planes which corresponds to the energy structure of the student. Purification and expansion of consciousness occur gradually. To use the Midi channel to receive information, the student first needs to turn into the channel for 3 months 30-40 each day without skipping a day. To use the Midi channel to find forgotten or lost items, the student does not need to tune into the channel and can begin using it right after the initiation.

Gektas is a powerful informational channel which cleanses and removes everything that hinders the reception of information. Powerfully expands and purifies the mind, promotes creativity and activation of higher energy centers. To use the Gektas channel to receive information, the student first needs to turn into the channel for 3 months 30-40 each day without skipping a day.


Stage V – initiations into other channels. (before receiving initiation into the Master of Cosmoenergy).


Free channels – 11, 21, 31, 41. The following channels cannot be given for free: Shaon, Raun, Midi, Gektas, Hutta, Do, First Magic, Mama, Agni - Hum, Sutra-Carma, Agni, Lullie.

Each channel is received by a student through a separate initiation, then he/she receives the theory about each channel. Student begins to use the channel to help himself/herself and others.

The Ratkha channel can be received only during initiation into the Master. Sequence of initiations into various channels depends on the choice of a student. Time gap between initiations will depend on the wish and opportunity of the student.

Training is accomplished by attending the various seminars in the Regions of the world. It is taken in a step-by-step procedure, with advancement to higher levels with the approval of the instructor(s.) By participation in the annual seminars for the healing of patients and education of practitioners held in various regions of the World, individuals can achieve treatment and or education to further their levels of expertise in order to become teachers.


You can contact us anytime by sending us a message or by phone.


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